- I have the same issue with PhotoViewGallery.builder(), and do not know how to set enablePanAlways: true for this case. - In addition, I think add options Slider zoom in/zoom...
> Please don’t initialise the video controller with empty URL I change to late initialise, and use a correct URL, but the problem still happen. It seem happen after I...
> Please add reproducible code to this issue Thanks for quick responding. I have made a demo. There is an issue with universal_html, then I change line 2752 of file...
 This is a sometime issue. I do not know exactly reproduce step for this case.
> >  This is a sometime issue. I do not know exactly reproduce step for this case. > > I have same issue I tried to change playerController...
> newtaDev I change to init PodPlayerController as your gudie, but the Video codec error still happen. I have fixed ("PodGetXController" not found) issue by avoid call init PodPlayerController after...
it seems some sources have not been released after call controller.changeVideo(). But I have no exp about media service of Android so I can't check more.
I have reported the same problem. https://github.com/newtaDev/pod_player/issues/121