Hi,I run yolov4 int8 and bad this problem
Hi, Many thanks to the author for the project. I cannot find the calib.json file when I run the test code. How to generate the JSON file code? self.argoverse =...
Hello, thank you very much for your code, I have some questions to ask you, if I train the task of four key points, after modifying the code, the test...
Hi, Yolov4 int8 onnx ->engine , WARNING: Missing dynamic range for tensor 1318, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor 。 After the...
Hi, I have this error. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Input filename: ddd_3dop.onnx ONNX IR version: 0.0.4 Opset version: 9 Producer name: pytorch Producer version: 1.1 Domain: Model version: 0 Doc string: ---------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING:...
Hi,I did not get the result output in Xavier test, but I did not get the result until TensorRT7.2.1 in 2060 graphics card.
python code_single/tools/render.py --resume_dir data/streetsurf_withmask_withlidar_exp4.37/final_final_waymo_multiseq_exp4.37_withmask_withlidar_15k_cuboid_half_ext60.0_l1_l1=0.02_joint/seg100613 \ --nvs_path=street_view --nvs_node_id=ego_car --nvs_param=2.0,1.0,3.0,0.0,2.0,-2.0 \ --nvs_num_frames=120 --start_frame=80 --stop_frame=160 --downscale=4 \ --assetbank_cfg.Street.model_params.ray_query_cfg.query_param.num_coarse=0