
Results 8 comments of DungSaga

You can see my tweaks for color generation at https://github.com/dungsaga/Sublime-Colorcoder/tree/hls-color-tweak (using lambda `lightness_fn` and `saturation_fn`) and at https://github.com/dungsaga/Sublime-Colorcoder/tree/crc-tweak(using lambda `weigh_fn`). There are 256 colors. I think it's enough, especially with...

With Sublime Text build 3126, some sections of PHP code are not highlighted correctly (large extend of code has the same color)

I got the same problem with some section of JS code in a tag in a HTML file (even at the latest build of Sublime Text - 3126)

@vprimachenko : can you give a short description of the problem with the language definition? Some of us may raise the issue in Sublime Text forum. Or some may find...

@rocketinventor: what package are you talking about? what is the URL of this issue?

There will be conflicts when multiple plugins modify the color scheme. A workaround is to allow only 1 plugin to modify that. For example: in Colorcoder settings, you can set...

another suggestion is to show round border on temporary rules, like this: ![round borders](http://i.imgur.com/cgavmTo.png)

I test with IE 11 and it looks like 2-way binding does not work with range input here. I made a quick fix at this PR https://github.com/ng2-ui/datetime-picker/pull/187