Duncan Sterken

Results 79 issues of Duncan Sterken

While building via Travis, this error occurred: ``` Execution failed for task ':githubRelease'. > Unexpected exit value: 128, allowed exit values: [0], executed command [git, rev-list, --format=oneline, --abbrev-commit, --max-count=50, 3a44b8881850fdeeb51adb03fea2a235613e07e2..HEAD,...

I was wondering if it was possible for thisworddoesnotexist.com to have an API that other developers can use so they don't have to set this project up themselves

When watching this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-L5EMXBkqo) I noticed that for some reason the sponsored section was not skipped after youtube played preroll ads. ![](https://i.imgur.com/PNVyUWP.png) How to reproduce: 1. Disable any adblockers...

When itemName and itemValue are allowed to be functions we can easier control external data and map it to how we want it to be.

References https://www.olivieraubert.net/vlc/python-ctypes/doc/ https://wiki.videolan.org/python_bindings


This will allow the user to choose different active colors and states (eg blue and solid) for each individual button on the launchpad.

If you edit the file and add `@LOAD_LAYOUT fake.lpl` (make sure the file does not exist) the program will hold all command executions even after you have selected new layout...

First things first, this worked fine in obs version 27 and I have not changed anything about the configuration after I upgraded the plugin. Here's a video of the issue:...

## Current behavior Currently ngx-translate does not support this feature and will call `toString` on the element ref causing it to render as `[object Object]` ## Expected behavior With the...