Ate Eskola

Results 6 issues of Ate Eskola

However, this is still draft because the compiler ICEd when testing

Needs Work

This is off Atila's #8101 . I wanted to create the PR against his fork but GitHub didn't allow that. I tried to reproduce the safety bug @Geod24 found, but...

If I run this tool with the `-p` option, it reports a lot of Gtfobins vulnerabilities. However, when I tried to exploit one of them, the output was this: ```...


When trying to initialize spasm, with this js function ```js (toDo) => { fetch("dmodule.wasm") .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(buffer => WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, { env: jsExports })) .then(obj => { spasm.instance = obj.instance;...

## Description BetterC D code can already be analyzed with KLEE, a LLVM bitcode verification tool. See for great introduction. The idea is that some or all regular D...

### System information - **dub version**: 1.33.1 - **OS Platform and distribution**: Nixos 23.11 - **compiler version** ldc-1.34.0 ### Bug Description ```bash $ dub build -v Using dub registry url...