Jiancheng (JC) Yang
Jiancheng (JC) Yang
Hi, I am [Jiancheng Yang](https://github.com/duducheng/), a PhD candidate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. I do appreciate your excellent code for this super powerful agent! I developped a [2048 game...
Hello, thanks for your nice code! I found there were 2 inconsistencies with the original paper, and they are very easy to fix indeed: 1. the `gamma`: in the original...
I found there seems a typo [there](https://github.com/lfz/DSB2017/blob/master/net_detector.py#L99) ```python self.output = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv3d(self.featureNum_back[0], 64, kernel_size = 1), nn.ReLU(), #nn.Dropout3d(p = 0.3), nn.Conv3d(64, 5 * len(config['anchors']), kernel_size = 1)) ``` To my limited...
Hi Tang, Thanks for your excellent work! As title, could you please provide a training data format for custom dataset training? How can I preprocess my dataset to train my...
Hi @wasserth , Thanks for the excellent work! I would like to know whether there is an id mapping between v1 and v2. For instance, is s0000 in v1 and...
Dear challenge organizers, I am interested in this challenge, which addresses an important aspect in medical image anlaysis. I have 2 questions: 1. Do you forbid any additional data, including...
Hi Tom, I read carefully your code, since I want to implement a network very similar to CWRNN. Your code is really clear, thanks! However, I found it seems that...