Results 15 comments of Dudi

Working Example #### feed.component.html ```html autosize fxFlex ``` #### feed.component.ts ```typescript export class FeedComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit , OnDestroy { @ViewChild(CdkVirtualScrollViewport, {static: true}) viewport: CdkVirtualScrollViewport; @Input('isPageLoaded') set setIsPageLoaded(isPageLoaded) { if...

@arkadiusz-wieczorek did you import the ScrollingModule from cdk-experimental? ```typescript import { ScrollingModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling'; import { ScrollingModule as ExperimentalScrollingModule} from '@angular/cdk-experimental/scrolling'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ ], imports: [ ScrollingModule, ExperimentalScrollingModule,...

@buenjybar ```typescript ngOnInit(): void { this.route.paramMap.subscribe((res) => { this.activeChannel = res.get('id'); this.chatService.readMessagesInChannel(this.activeChannel, 0, 40).subscribe((channelData: any) => { this.messages =, index) => { this.scrollTo(index * 299, 'auto'); return item; });...

@ewalddieser I usually agree with this approach But this issue opened from 2018, it looks like it's time for "hacks" By the way [Denis Hilt]( works on a solution for...

> @dudipsh Can you share online example? > > I'm trying with 9.2.0 version and receiving error message: > > ``` > ERROR Error: "Error: cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport requires the "itemSize" property...

@Mmatiasn i used "ngx-virtual-scroller" ( for NPM package ) you can try to fork and implement sticky headers

any news about this issue?

@DepickereSven try this code ```typescript export function createTranslateLoader(http: HttpClient) { return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, 'assets/i18n/', '.json'); } @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, HomeComponent, ], imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, AppRoutingModule, HttpClientModule, GraphQLModule, TranslateModule.forRoot({...

@ihazar I use NativeScript 6.0.3 I think there's a chance it's related to the fact that this plugin uses AndroidX