@KaiDevrim which steps did you take? These are exactly the commands I used to get it running on port 9000. Commands to get this docker image running: ``` $ git...
I have opened a PR to fix this on @gushmazuko 's repo, by editing the Dockerfile https://github.com/gushmazuko/grav-nginx/pull/1 Cheers for this image!
@SimJoSt The benefits if we use your PR are two fold, if I'm understanding correctly: 1. you isolate the volumes to be more easily manageable (one for logs, one for...
Bumping this as well. Experienced this for a work project.
I'm also seeing the same issue. For reference, I am using the [following guide.](https://www-returngis-net.translate.goog/2020/05/autoescalar-tus-pods-con-las-metricas-de-prometheus/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) I have double checked that: 1. I have connectivity to the prometheus service via both local...
I wonder...would it be possible to use a high-side load switch? That should cut down current consumption of whatever is connected on the output side to no more than a...
+1 for this. For now, I am ok with adding an extra input param (date), but a native solution would be much preferred.
@jaygridley Sorry, I did not get the chance to try this yet. I had forgotten about opening this report a while ago. I'll try to test it out at work...
Excellent @jaygridley. That worked! Thank you for the solution :hugs: Closing issue.