David Dudas
David Dudas
@felixvd, excuse me for the late response, I was busy with other things to do. This week I had to install Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic on another machine where...
Sure thing, let me check. In the meantime, I created a short video about different behaviors of different MoveIt versions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w2xvUdkQqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w2xvUdkQqI) Every node and configuration is the same, **only** the...
@v4hn your gut feeling was perfect, [d90acb3](https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit/commit/d90acb32d3f27d893bc69252430361e4cc09822f) introduced some very nasty movements. If your gut feelings are this good, do you think if I have some rare/special issue in my...
@felixvd i didn't test the c4f8fd but I don't expect big difference compared to 1.0.8. I'm not at my workstation, but I'll check it out tomorrow and let you know...
@v4hn thanks, and MoveIt Task Constructor seems to be a perfect tool for me, I didn't know it!
@JafarAbdi, that's great! If you'd like to test it in my setup I'm happy to share it!
@v4hn the most simple test setup is that I shared in my 1st post, that doesn't require the gripper and the chessboard.
@JafarAbdi I'll check out your mentioned diff on the master branch during the weekend and let you know!
@JafarAbdi, @v4hn I tested the master branch with the proposed diff. It's significantly better because it's able to plan paths, but again, I see very *strange* decisions several times. I...
Hi @Loya0598, I don't need this workaround anymore, the problem was fixed in the UR robot's moveit package. However if you want to give it a try, you just check...