Jean-Bernard Jansen

Results 8 issues of Jean-Bernard Jansen

I'm trying to run cldoc on a quite big project and there is a big issue here. I have to generate all of the documentation in one call to the...

Hello I see the code contains a lot of boost code that could easily be replaced by the standard C++11 version. Since redis3m is quite new, why not fully use...


A template to deploy: - An hdinsight cluster using ADLSv1 as storage - A SQL server - A DSS instance preconfigured to use it

Hello Chewie Your vim config is quite rich and I was wondering : - how long does vim take to start on your machine ? - how long does it...

Relative imports can have various impacts when the package is used from an external script, since said script may execute in the right virtual env but maybe not the right...


Hello good sir While writing a wrapper around gason for my company, I ran into a small problem. Here is a fix proposal. _API breakage here, but original API is...

No API breakage here, juste replacing some pre-processor macros by C++11 constant expressions. If constexpr is a problem for people using vs2013 prior to the November CTP, then a simple...

I put the pull request here so it runs through Travis. See #2 for details.