Jonathan Duck

Results 23 comments of Jonathan Duck

As a hacky workaround until this gets fixed, I created a plugin to remove the line and re-run goimports after it generates the errant file. ```go package main import (...

@pjvds many users may not want to use "" and GQLGen has no way of knowing that is a drop-in replacement for errors. @j0hnsmith's workaround seems pretty reasonable to...

This can be implemented as a [plugin]( It uses GQLGen middleware around all fields to check if the field is returning a list of introspection types, and filters them...

I'd like to suggest a modification to the plugin file format that could really help CI environments and ensure the `buffalo` tool is versioned with go modules. This could also...

There are cases where the OTP style copy-and-paste input is more useful and others where the browserpass_selector_XXX querySelector style are more effective. I've got a site that requires an answer...

There shouldn't be anything stopping you from using a second library for that. Here are two that come up from a quick search: - -

Window icons for Windows only accept the ico format. I don't know what the other systems use. For cross-platform, I'd think that having a few formats and converting/scaling them...

Looking at the source, it's using node modules (CommonJS). `require('jsbarcode');` and `module.exports = VueBarcode;` The source code expects that you are using something like Webpack or Browserify. If you wanted...

I was able to implement a fix by copying the `fs.Sub` implementation from the standard lib and extending it. Implementing `MountFS` may be able to provide a more elegant solution.

I have some ideas on improving the API for `fstest` that could remain backward compatible.