
Results 6 issues of Ducho

Hi! I have problem with installation SMD on Mac OSX Big Sur. ducho@DSs-MacBook-Pro smd % xcode-select -v xcode-select version 2384 ducho@DSs-MacBook-Pro smd % pip -V pip 21.2.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python...

Donate? Why? **OSError: Unable to download 'ffmpeg-osx-v3.2.4'. Perhaps there is a no internet connection? If there is, please report this problem.** > So!!!! When will by SMD working correctly then...

Hi. I have problem with integration custom knpmenu template in Symfony 4.2. I still get this message: **Attempted to call an undefined method named "macro_attributes" of class "__TwigTemplate_46b504049d303cbba60b9082144af113b977223be17dc1e45f9421ff99d7f8d3".** Can anybody...

Hi @michaelbaudino ! Can you tell me if this component works as a nested? If so, how to use it as a nested?

Missing typed arguments in function public function __call(string $method, array $args): mixed (edited). `SF64` `stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle 1.10.1` `doctrine/orm 3.0` ```Fatal error: Declaration of Gedmo\Tree\Entity\Repository\NestedTreeRepository::__call($method, $args) must be compatible with Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::__call(string $method,...


Hi! I'm trying to integrate your library into a project, but without success. Even though request and response are working fine, but I'm getting empty PDFs. I tried to change...