Duc Bui

Results 9 issues of Duc Bui

Error: `RuntimeError: Expected object of backend CPU but got backend CUDA for sequence element 1 in sequence argument at position #1 'tensors'` How to reproduce follow allennlp demo usage (https://demo.allennlp.org/semantic-role-labeling)....

Contributions welcome

Step [54] "data = [[d.split(':')[1][:-1], d.split(':')[0]] for d in data]" seems to include the sub-category output into the input sequence. For example, for data line "DESC:def What is ethology ?",...

[Python 3's Type Hints](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html) seem very helpful for reading the source code and it is used in projects like [AllenNLP](https://github.com/allenai/allennlp) and [Flair](https://github.com/zalandoresearch/flair). Do you plan to use it in the...


I use the following code to crete a dropdown: ``` botui.action.select({ action: { placeholder : "Please select a language", value: 'ES', options : [ {value: "EN", text : "English" },...

I enabled "Focus to search box on any key" which is super convenient. However, my Google search page now displays `Press "/" to jump to the search box` and a...


Will this extension work if I change `__cmpLocator` to `__tcfapiLocator` in `src/content_scripts/uCookie.js`? How can I use this extension for TCF v2 (now all websites must already have switched to v2).

The link used in the README does not work (file does not exist error): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yMB3TJt8oZX3-GHm9oB\_eKU7oeJXfLbA/view?usp=sharing How to fix: delete the extra "\" in the URL.

How to reproduce: `python Consistency.py` Expect result: all test cases pass. Error: ``` File "Consistency.py", line 834, in runTestCases() File "Consistency.py", line 709, in runTestCases testContradictions(p0, flow1, p0ExpCon, None, p0[0],...

it is written that: https://github.com/benandow/PrivacyPolicyAnalysis/blob/25470ef73febfd2d2a90607de1a211213ab93f67/DockerImage/code/Consistency.py#L123 Is there any possibility that the above return value will be different from just `return self.action == self.positiveTerm`?