Results 15 comments of Steven DUBOIS

Please can you add "Delete" key to delete the characters to the right of the cursor ? Thanks

Windows Terminal so i am surprised.

You are awesome. I'm not a Rust developer but I have found the ox.ron where syntax highlighting is handled. After see it, I think I havent the knowledge for PR......

Yes, already explained here: :)

I add the following warning to the issue. > The "Sentry\SentryBundle\Tracing\Doctrine\DBAL\TracingServerInfoAwareDriverConnection" class implements "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ServerInfoAwareConnection" that is deprecated The methods defined in this interface will be made part of the {@link...

Hey @ricardogobbosouza , when do you plan to merge / release this? Thanks

Seems to be on your database configuration side. I use Netlify with a postgresql database on heroku, I have no error (just deployed few minutes ago with the latest version...

Don't understand why you follow Supabase documentation if you want to use Netlify ? I just follow netlify documentation (without useless HASH_SALT environment variable) using the postgres connection string (without...

By various requests you mean when you navigate on the website one deployed on Netlify you have some errors ? Which page in particular ?