Thanks for your response. However, as you can see in the screenshot, the boxes script is already right there with the .inx files and it doesn't work.
I removed that line from boxes.py.AllEdges.inx and restarted inkscape. Still grayed out. Am I supposed to do something else?
Nothing changed. I'm editing the files at Inkscape.app>Contents>Resources>share>inkscape>extensions. If not those files, which path should I be looking at?
Well that told me the same thing. I'm in the right place. /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/share/inkscape/extensions All the boxes .inx files are in the extensions dir right next to the boxes app. Just...
Yeah I tried that on my macbook and it didn't change anything. Maybe i'm doing it wrong but i added it to my path and still no love. I guess...