Dominik Tornow

Results 10 issues of Dominik Tornow

Hello, Are there any discussions/plans to add an introspection/reflection API to SMI? Currently, Service Mesh Resources exist in an "implicit context" of a Service Mesh. To identify/pinpoint a Service Mesh...


Hello, I have two questions about the FailureInjector, specifically about the `FailOneState` ``` state FailOneNode { entry { var fail: machine; if(nFailures == 0) { raise halt; // done with...

Hello, I have a question: Is regenerator a good starting point to compile a coroutine into a pure function akin to `next : (State x Value) -> (State x Value)`...

### Feature request Add `ScheduledEventId` to `PollActivityTaskQueueResponse`. ### Additional context The tuple of `(PollActivityTaskQueueResponse.WorkflowExecution.RunId, PollActivityTaskQueueResponse.ScheduledEventId)` is unique per Activity Execution and may be used to construct an *Idempotence Key* to...


**Author**: Dominik Tornow ### Summary of the feature being proposed #### 1. Admission Controllers Provide Temporal Admission Controllers, similar to [Kubernetes Admission Controllers](, that intercept requests to Temporal before they...


## Describe the problem you are facing ## Describe the solution you'd like Monitor Partitioning & Announcement Routing ## Alternatives you've considered ## Additional context - - ##...


## Describe the problem you are facing Resonate's Deterministic Simulation Testing cannot observe the Resonate Server beyond the request/response API. E.g. the Deterministic Simulation Testing cannot observe if notifications are...


The resonate CLI should include a **Quickstart Command** to create a minimal getting started app for the specified sdk ``` $ resonate quickstart [sdk] ``` The command outputs getting started...


Make OpenAPI specification agnostic to the root url. Maybe a discovery solution such as `/.well-known/durable-promise`