completed_command = subprocess.run(execute, check=True) completed_command = subprocess.Popen(execute, check=True) With p=psutil.Process(completed_command) it may be possible to halt the thread's execution with p.suspend() and followed up with p.resume(). Otherwise waifu2x's may allow...
k4yt3x from my understanding of your code you pass the entire temp frame directory to waifu2x, right? If that's the case rasm685p, there is so code aside to send individual...
@k4yt3x I'll put some time into looking into it as well when I get time too, good luck on exams. Mine aren't for a while. My C++ skills are quite...
@gjb1002 I too have experienced this issue where I have one original file and another with a timestamp appended too it. I don't see the importance of checking the file...