Damian Tarnawsky

Results 9 comments of Damian Tarnawsky

In Capacitor 4.1.0 there is now an option that allows debugging the Android Web View in Chrome/Edge. You run: `npx cap sync --inline` The argument [--inline](https://capacitorjs.com/docs/cli/commands/sync) makes sure the source...

@jcesarmobile Here's a sample application that throws this error on Android but not in iOS. [https://github.com/dtarnawsky/cs-lottie-splash](https://github.com/dtarnawsky/cs-lottie-splash)

To follow up on this PR, I've found in testing that this PR is necessary for beforeload to function more than once. @stionic: The code for waitForBeforeload doesn't prevent duplicates...

This was resolved in this PR: https://github.com/timbru31/cordova-plugin-lottie-splashscreen/pull/438 The maintainer of the Lottie plugin has been too busy to create a release though so you would need to install with: `npm...

> Thanks. Can you provide a GitHub repo I can use to reproduce this issue? Hey Liam, I've created a sample reproduction here: [https://github.com/dtarnawsky/cs-back-button-csp](https://github.com/dtarnawsky/cs-back-button-csp)

> Do we want to suggest this for React and Vue as well? If all went well with this PR I was going to do the React and Vue starters...

This PR is now updated with React and Vue but is breaking because the main branch is broken (if you run `tsc`). The dependency `@types/tar` relies on `minipass` and it...

@mhartington This PR includes Vue, React and Angular. Any reason it couldn't be merged?

I can confirm that if you modify the reproduction app to: `AppLauncher.canOpenUrl({ url: 'com.twitter.android' })` rather than: `AppLauncher.canOpenUrl({ url: 'twitter://timeline' })` it will correctly detect Twitter (X). And for Facebook:...