
Results 145 comments of dsyleixa

I tried the linked lib https://github.com/jonesman/ArduiPi_OLED after finally having managed to run this original lib, but the make compilation of the jonesman fork failed because of sth like my "Pi...

OLED type 1 which you chose is Adafruit SPI 128x64 which has a SSD1306 IC, not a SH1106

it seems that -li2c is outdated for Stretch and perhaps other OS. I outcommented it in makefile, and then everything worked fine! https://github.com/hallard/ArduiPi_OLED/issues/24#issuecomment-850871991

libi2c-dev is already installed: ``` sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev : is already the latest version (3.1.2-3). ``` Nonetheless, no installation via make possible. (Just to mention: OS Buster is off-topic...

dpkg -L libi2c-dev only finds usr/include/linux/i2c-dev.h package redirects others to usr/include/linux/i2c-dev.h.kernel usr/share/doc/libi2c-dev (plus some paths more) but it lists no libi2c.a or libi2c.so and also no smbus.h how to reinstall...

$ sudo apt-get install apt-file $ sudo apt-file update have already been executed. then, as stated, apt-get install libi2c-dev says: is already the latest version (3.1.2-3). apt-file search libi2c.a outputs...

so first, cd ArduiPi_OLED and then g++ -shared -Wl,-soname,libArduiPi_OLED.so.1 -Ofast -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -o libArduiPi_OLED.so.1.0 ArduiPi_OLED.o Adafruit_GFX.o bcm2835.o Wrapper.o -li2c ?

ok, so without the -li2c at the end. I'll do ASAP, a SD backup is currently running (for safety reasons, if anything from now messes up my sytem ;) )

just of interest, meanwhile: why do I have a libi2c.h but no libi2c.a/so ?