You're a machine! Still reviewing the others, but hoping to have them posted today!
> 1. Store owner doesn't get any notification or email if an invited successfully registered. Can confirm, great catch! > 2. Seems like permissions are not working correctly, I've invited...
Thanks for picking this up! Small request - could you make a short list (could literally be the page titles) of the places you've made changes? I can reference the...
That covers it! The intention was to improve that inverted logic as @pavlenex put it. Giving this another test this evening, but the first run through looked good functionally!
Re-reviewing for a last pair of eyes - but it should be good to go, will get this in evening!
Is there a typo in the title? `store's stores`? I'm guessing you meant to type `Server's stores and apps`?
Yeah I posted in the UI/UX channel this weekend to discuss before dropping here, but will copy the context. Still working in feedback and refining, but think we're getting close:...
> I think we need to define which actions we want to have here, because e.g. Approve or Disable could only be applied to unapproved or enabled (and vice versa)...
> We aren't using red for this anywhere in the UI. It doesn't seem consistent. I changed to `Remove`. Ahh you're right. I suppose I was thinking of @dennisreimann's LNBank...
For anyone looking, current state: