Looking good! Will take a look and try to chime in with some thoughts when I get a moment this weekend.
Doing a proper review this evening/tomorrow morning, so should have some nits and comments in parallel with the latest set of TODOs as well.
Awesome, got sign off on the copy change as well. Will re-review here momentarily.
Awesome, will take a look later this evening!
- hmm, i prefer center, even if it's not `full-wdith` (even though I do like this), I also realize it could be too much .. maybe there's a middle ground...
ACK to @dennisreimann's suggestion, and looking forward to the next iteration @HamroRamro 💪
@HamroRamro Great work! I do like the infinite load UX much more .. debating if I like it being triggered by hitting the bottom of the page by default, or...
Apologies for my delay in review, will take a look in the morning! Appreciate all of the work that has gone into this.
I think the new TXs being loaded is bugged...?
Strange. I pulled the latest, but still getting similar results ...