Looks great, will take a look asap. Great work!
Wow. This is so much better for such a quick iteration! Only other thoughts and nits I have looking at this, which aren't necessary to wrap this one up: -...
Conceptually agree @pavlenex, was also wondering how they avoided that in their early production demo videos, but had wondered if that detail might have been staged? Would also love to...
Wondering .. should we make the `LNURL` buttons our secondary button style? As it's not the primary method/CTA, and is for specific use cases and users.. Thoughts?
Hmm I only meant in the `Unified QR disabled - standard invoice` and `Unified QR enabled - standard invoice` cases. I wonder if the `Pay by LNURL-Withdraw` should be the...
ooo, this is an interesting one, curious to see how this shapes up!
Yes, the original intention was Receipts and Crowdfund .. or possibly other plugins that might have more public visibility in the future. Ideally we have a relatively dynamically generated OG...
Apologies for my potential ignorance here, but will this still be relevant when we move the remaining `Apps` to `Plugins`? Also made me curious if this is still something we're...
Love the idea, and tend to agree, icons (with a potential label on hover) probably make the most sense, and as we start to add more to these views, is...
Interesting @woutersamaey do you mind walking through a plugin use-case? Might be out of scope for this PR, but would be curious to hear some details to make sure I'm...