For those concerned, have been posting visual clean up, tweaks, suggestions, and discussion topics on: https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver/issues/4261
Minor nits, making these, will commit, but might need help with a few of them: - [x] Add `mt-2` to the description header element - [x] On description bump the...
Remaining TODOs: - [x] Update the carot asset (sent directly @dennisreimann via MM), and should we align the carot and the title on the same horizontal line? As opposed to...
Determined we should only show the Store name if no logo, not the btcpayserver logo to reduce any potential confusion. Visual nits - can deal with these in a better...
> I think after the last round of feedback, we'll have to decide if we want to address the copy as well, or do we leave it for 1.8.0, as...
Will be updating this as I go: ### Open Questions / Discussion: - Should we show the address so visibly, or should it be a bit more hidden / behind...
I agree it can be quite annoying, but also understand why it's done, and am a bit on the fence, as I try to look at it as a way...
> Imho merging the short title with the additional description makes it more concise and the labels as they are seem clear to me. Sounds good, happy to roll with...
I like the idea of consolidating the options, and even though it sometimes add more height, I like the section headers, makes the content a bit more parsable imo, e.g....
Ahh yeah, that makes sense .. hmm it's still a bit parse to parse, but.. If we go that route, I'd rearrange: - Request customer data on checkout (most important...