Can't go too far wrong (hopefully) by implementing debug logging similar to the official Node SDK, i.e. via env variables: https://developer.webex.com/docs/sdks/node#sdk-api-reference https://webex.github.io/webex-js-sdk/api/#loggerconfig Perhaps initial logging levels could be something like:...
A few things to check that might help: - If you change the webhook destination to something else (like [Hookbin](https://hookbin.com/)) do you see incoming webhooks? - If you use something...
Alpine is based on the musl toolchain, and most Python pre-built binary wheel packages (like python-future) don't publish compatible packages to PyPI (some discussion here: https://discuss.python.org/t/wheels-for-musl-alpine/7084/3). It seems Alpine has...
1. Sounds good 2. Suggest providing the `domain=Collaboration` link, caveating that includes but is not limited to Webex projects. A bit less handy, but encourages exploration, and even more importantly...
My understanding is that the Webex REST APIs were/are developed using API Blueprint/Apiary and tools - there appear to be no plans to port to OpenAPI at the moment (or...
This lab has been retired/consolidated with the (currently) CE 10.3 lab.
Seeing the same issue. Perhaps an approach could be to go ahead and accept a required message parameter in startPrivateConversation (as well as startConversationInRoom). The function could then go ahead...
Issue still exists and developers are still running into it...humbly bumped.
Sounds good, happy to help with testing/validation if useful.
Bump to keep-alive, in hopes of a fix in 4.11