Kiril Dokh

Results 10 comments of Kiril Dokh

Vote for `DataStructure`, but probably relations(`belongs_to`, `has_many` etc should be implemented as well), so it should cover the SQL layer, all the business logic should be placed somewhere else: `Serializers`,...

@sdogruyol It makes a lot of sense, because AR in Rails fails a lot of applications, nowadays a lot of people in Ruby world talk about patterns and other cool...

So I'd like to have white background for light theme and dark for dark respectively, not sure if it's possible using current base theme Using this `Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar` as parent theme...

@holograph Simple example, let's say I want to implement my `is unique` validation(this is real example) and I need to do a `slick` `select query` for getting the result ->...

Some way of replacing default messages with the others is really needed

@jiafatom having similar issue, using keras for object detection model... saving model like that: `model = load_model('full-model.h5', custom_objects={'RoiPoolingConv': RoiPoolingConv})` since I had problems with `RoiPoolingConv` previously. It throws the error...

Have almost the same problem(after upgrading to Rails 5), with Rails 4.2.5 it worked well I have `accepts_nested_attributes_for` my hierarchy model, and in that model I also have `accepts_nested_attributes_for` for...

I thinks it's more about Rails update than `closure_tree` update mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.44 gem mysql2 version 0.3.19 I am playing with it, `with_advisory_lock: false` maybe solves the problem,...

For every one searching for the solution you need to use `app:mcv_monthLabels="@array/month_names"` in xml and store all the localized values in `resources`. Since somehow yes, `setTitleFormatter` doesn't work for the...