Dan Nizri
Dan Nizri
@braebot I'm seeing the same Exception in a Robolectric test. Interestingly, at first I was including card io as a submodule because I forked the library and there were no...
@appt2 can you provide a sample app that reproduces the issue? It looks like you have some custom fonts or configurations.
Thanks for the video. Since none of these issues happen when our [Catalog demo app](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/tree/master/catalog/java/io/material/catalog/search), it is difficult to know what is going wrong. Are you able to provide a...
@Chozzle Unfortunately there are no such plans as far as I know - the [isSeekingSupported() API](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/transition/Transition#isSeekingSupported()) was only added to AndroidX Transitions. In order for us to enable predictive back/seeking...
Unfortunately the AndroidX Fragment library doesn't support predictive back for shared element transitions. You can file a request for them [here](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=460964&template=1182267) (or check if there is an existing request to...
Interesting - have you tried experimenting with FragmentTransaction#addToBackStack and MaterialContainerTransform + isSeekingSupported? I think addToBackStack is necessary for any predictive back to work with Fragments.
@hunterstich can you investigate this one?
@MehdiSekoba can you attach a video of the issue with more explanation?
@pekingme can you take a look at this? Also @ytheekshana do you have any devices other than Samsung to test on?
> note that after applying this PR, AppBarLayout in NavigationRailDemoControlsFragment will not be lifted automatically because the nested NestedScrollView doesn't match the condition above This seems like a change/break in...