Similar to the gray boxes on the earthquake.usgs.gov landing page
@kallstadt-usgs Find the preferred groundfailure/liquifacation model in info.json using: landslides[#].prefered == true liquifaction[#].prefered == true Use 2 standard deviations, which are stored under the properties `hagg_2std` for hazard and `pop_2std`...
For triangle marker and error bars "Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)"
All plots need max min values that include a < sign. Possibly max values as well if there's space... mostly to let users know the lower bound on the plots...
Set a max size for the groundfailure plots
Checkout us1000778i
Screenshots of the current interactive map will currently include all icons on the map ("Close Map", layers) Possibly choose location of legend and scale bars. USGS requires at least 2...
Better way to detach from the normal change tracking in angular
Currently image.jpeg and image.pdf, but should be intensity.jpeg, intensity.pdf @emthompson-usgs
Stations and epicenter should plot on top of the raster image by default. Plotting the raster on top makes the map appear highlighted