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Utilities for DEM and point cloud co-registration
Ran into issues with fetching tile_list using [`get_modis_tile_list()`]( so I [hardcoded western conus tile_list]( I didn't troubleshoot beyond confirming modis_dict contains 460 items, but something seems to be awry with...
I want to use ICESat-2 points as GCPs to coregister a DEM. Is it possible that I can do it using demcoreg tool?. if not is there any other tool...
Hi, I am running into an issue when I attempt to use the tiltcorr function when aligning dems. Everything works great running the basic command without the addition of tiltcorr...
4. Install pygeotools and demcoreg from latest github source: - python -m pip install git+ - python -m pip install git+ - python -m pip install git+ Requires some reworking...
Hi, I have been trying to create a mask based on the RGI outlines. I ran "" which seems to work even if I got the message `ERROR`` 1: TopologyException:...
Continuing to receive emails from users who are using input DEMs in EPSG:4326. Simple solution is to exit with message about reprojecting with gdalwarp. Maybe add a `-t_srs` option to...
I started this process with the HYDROBasins products for lakes/rivers ( but never actually added support in the `dem_mask` functionality. Should be pretty straightforward - can use the RGI polygon...
Ideally, we would fetch all of these layers (e.g., NLCD, bareground) on the fly through services like "Earth on AWS" registry: At present, they still require local download, extraction...
I followed the beginners_doc, but did not add paths to the three libraries (pygeotools, demcoreg, imview) to my PATH env var. Upon trying to run ``, I was advised to...
Can add `pip install` steps, which should simplify setup. Should also review and remove unnecessary dependencies. Likely requires a full review of pygeotools as well. Not sure we need `imview`...