demcoreg copied to clipboard
beginners_doc - fails if libraries are not added to PATH
I followed the beginners_doc, but did not add paths to the three libraries (pygeotools, demcoreg, imview) to my PATH env var.
Upon trying to run
, I was advised to run the
Missing rgi glacier data source. If already downloaded, specify correct datadir. If not, run `` to download
I ran the script and, after the large download completed, a "command not found" error then an OGR error was thrown.
Merging region shp for global shp
.../demcoreg/demcoreg/ line 80: command not found
Clipping to site: CONUS
POLYGON ((-125 49, -104 49, -104 32, -125 32, -125 49))
+proj=aea +lat_1=36 +lat_2=49 +lat_0=43 +lon_0=-115 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
Unable to open datasource `rgi60_merge.shp' with the following drivers.
-> `netCDF'
-> `JP2OpenJPEG'
......<long list of drivers>
The script is failing because it calls pygeotools'
script on line 80. If you have not added pygeotools to PATH, those files are not created, and we also get the red herring OGR error
Unable to open datasource `rgi60_merge.shp' with the following drivers.
because that file does not exist.
I resolved the issue by adding the paths to the three libraries to my PATH env var. Maybe the beginner docs could be updated to say that adding the libraries to your path is a requirement or perhaps
can be modified as to not require that. No real bug here but I think walking through the beginner docs would be smoother if this was mentioned.
Thanks for posting your solution to this issue. I am also following the beginner's document and receiving a very similar error when i run
Unable to open datasource '*_rgi60_*shp' with the following drivers
I have added demcoreg, pygeotools and imview to my path, but this doesn't seem to solve the issue. The first three entries in my path (echo $PATH
) are:
Here is a screenshot of the full error. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

It looks like you do not have wget
installed on your mac (see the error on the 6th line of text in your screenshot). A file does not get downloaded and then you get a bunch of other errors afterwards that are misleading.
You may be able to install wget in the terminal like this
brew install wget
If that doesn't work, just google for other ways to install wget (or ways to install brew if it's not installed, and then you can run the command above).
Nice catch– that fixed it. Thanks for your help! :)
Thanks for reporting @elischwat. Sorry it's so convoluted and that those steps were not documented. Can you help to clean up that doc, add missing steps/notes, and submit a PR?
We should probably make the RGI download optional, and move most of the download steps to a separate wrapper, as mentioned in #17
Much of this stack was developed for specific projects over the years in my own environment, often with the "I just need to get the job done" requirement. So it's good to have fresh perspective from new users, and to be reminded of all of the hurdles to get up and running. As always, I appreciate any help to simplify, fix, and/or better document setup and tools.
Also, @meghansharp, wget
is available via conda-forge these days. Follow instructions to add conda-forge channel, then:
conda install wget
We should probably make the RGI download optional, and move most of the download steps to a separate wrapper, as mentioned in #17
FYI, I disabled RGI masking by default with Should work, but I did not test, can one of you pull latest master and rerun your test case(s)?