David Shean
David Shean
Thanks for reporting @elischwat. Sorry it's so convoluted and that those steps were not documented. Can you help to clean up that doc, add missing steps/notes, and submit a PR?...
Also, @meghansharp, `wget` is available via conda-forge these days. Follow instructions to add conda-forge channel, then: `conda install wget`
> We should probably make the RGI download optional, and move most of the download steps to a separate wrapper, as mentioned in #17 FYI, I disabled RGI masking by...
250 m static water mask from MODIS... https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/products/mod44wv006/ Maybe best to start with something like this, and focus on masking larger water bodies, ignoring the smaller, likely more ephemeral features...
OK, thanks for checking. The idea was to have them ready to go "locally" in the docker image with all of the necessary dependencies. Also, it's not just about downloading...
Thanks for taking a look. I remember this coming up in Jan 2020 in email thread with @cmcneil-usgs. Here are my notes: > Hmmm. Yeah, looks like the USGS landcover...
> Embedding in the image could be practical fro data volumes< 1Gb, but it seems all these datasets could easily be 10Gb+. So my suggestion is to let users run...
>To some extent we already have a nice solution for the preconfigured computing environment, I just tried with geohackweek tutorial contents dem_align.py -mode nuth tutorial_contents/raster/data/rainier/20080901_rainierlidar_10m-adj.tif tutorial_contents/raster/data/rainier/20150818_rainier_summer-tile-0.tif and you can too...
> though we should disable RGI glacier masking by default (I'll create separate issue). Done in https://github.com/dshean/demcoreg/commit/bd48b4f36354d7b40966ba0ec89c906ac7ecdd3a
Sounds great @ShashankBice! Probably best to keep it separate from the core ASP processing tutorial though - modular is good. What if we had a separate tutorial in demcoreg?