Daniel Seneca
Daniel Seneca
@juliasilge are you aware of any packages (ropensci or other) that use `keyring` to store api credentials?
We had to deal with `NULL` values frequently when working with mailing lists and distribution data. Our solution was to avoid using `dplyr::bind_rows` due to the issue stated above, that...
All new functions fall into the "fetch" or "get" category. I decided to use the name of the endpoint in the [api documentation](https://api.qualtrics.com/83b3836dfc351-mailing-list-contacts) for clarity and simplicity, but am completely...
I have not, @jmobrien and @chrisumphlett could you test these functions and see if they work with your environment? You should be able to - Return a df of directory...
we could use `lubridate::as_datetime(purrr::map_dbl(...)/1000))` to solve for the UNIX time. As for the contact count, it looks like we have to pass a query parameter to the get api request...
I think I'm actually going to drop the contact count, since it's not "exact"... which could lead to some confusion. See the documentation.
Good to know, it would be important to address if we wanted embedded data associated with our contacts in our mailing lists since we have to pass a similar query...
`includeCount` (`list_mailing_lists`) and `includeEmbedded` (`mailing_list_contacts`) query parameters have been added. Let's run some checks to see how accurate the counts are.
I'm seeing performance issues as well... @jmobrien wondering if adding the query parameter has effected anything.
Related to #206