Dale Sedivec

Results 12 issues of Dale Sedivec

TL;DR: Every time it starts, lsp-mode asks me whether I would like to watch all files in one of my projects with more than `lsp-file-watch-threshold` files. I never want to...

## Expected behavior REPL indent works when output contains unbalanced parentheses ## Actual behavior REPL indent raises an error when output contains unbalanced parentheses: ``` (wrong-type-argument wholenump -3) ``` ##...

help wanted

Steps to reproduce: 1. Foolishly build ripgrep without libpcre. 2. Try to `dumb-jump-go` in a C file (like Emacs's `src/keyboard.c`). Expected results: Preferably go to the definition of whatever is...

Great plug-in, thanks! Could it search text in symbol overrides too?

##### SUMMARY sysctl module tries `sysctl -p` on macOS, which fails. ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME sysctl ##### ANSIBLE VERSION ```paste below ansible 2.10.0b1 config file...


Thanks for writing the git-check plug-in! I was surprised, though, to find that it checks my whole tree, not just staged changes against the prior commit (if any). Should it...


Hi! Thanks for making pspg! It's great. When I hit F9 to enter the menu, how do I exit the menu without selecting an option? ESC doesn't seem to work,...

When editing text on macOS, I'm used to a bunch of standard keyboard shortcuts: * ⌃A: beginning of line * ⌃E: end of line * ⌃K: delete text from cursor...

I'm running into an error using `treepy-remove` and I don't know why. ~~I feel like it was working until recent Emacs, say 27.1 up through master as of a week...

Inspired by [this Stack Exchange answer][1], I cooked up this: [1]: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/162354/46951 ```elisp (defun my:ns-move-file-to-trash (path) (ns-do-applescript (format "tell application \"Finder\" to move {the POSIX file \"%s\"} to trash" (replace-regexp-in-string...