Daniel Schneller
Daniel Schneller
For what it's worth: I have been using the S3 upload successfully for the last few days (from inside an EC2 instance) and purposefully made the process wait past the...
Interesting... I am currently modifying the build to leverage Maven Tycho. If you like, maybe you should take a look at my fork and its tycho branch. Currently there is...
Sorry, no, not really in any meaningful depth yet. I have been rather busy actually _using_ the editor, but in the current project one has decided to not use localized...
Working on it. Will probably be ready for a first go by the end of the week.
Ok, you can try this URL for starters: https://raw.github.com/dschneller/jbehave-eclipse-plugin.updatesite/master/target/site Be advised, that this might change and is only a first try.
Do you have any documentation on how to use a locale different from the Eclipse UI when using templates? I am not too familiar with Eclipse plugin development details, so...