
Results 3 issues of dschmidt004

Everytime I try to build I get errors in reference to Nethereum.Signer.dll ILLink: error IL1999: ERROR: Failed to resolve base type Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Signers.ECDsaSigner for type Nethereum.Signer.Crypto.DeterministicECDSA in assembly Nethereum.Signer.dll when linking...

First, really cool work and project. So i know this is depreciated because it was created on ropsten... but if there any documentation for switching to an active testnet like...

Nethereum.JsonRpc.UnityClient.dll is missing from the packages and therefore I can't use Unity Functionality... ![Untitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68475327/215871803-cdea1237-a440-470b-ba3c-319cd715c28a.png) ![Untitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68475327/215871890-a0b22019-ed67-4293-be1f-f705b407fcee.png)