David Schissler
David Schissler
If would be nice if \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt could accept a Compiler in the constructor. This would be helpful when using the CLI interface to precompile every Volt view. As it currently...
Currently switch statements are overly picky about how they are setup and also in regards to method return types. The compile will issue a warning about the "123" case because...
```zephir protected function doStuff(var theThings, bool correctly = false) { var correctly; var_export(correctly); } public final function __construct( di) { this->doStuff("abc", true); } ``` ``` dschissler@box1:/opt/project$ zephir build Warning: Variable...
Currently the compiler kaks out if you try to place a method declaration above a property. It will point to the semi-colon of the property line instead of explaining why...
Currently we can do the following: ```zephir if fetch blah, options["blah"] { } ``` I'm thinking that it would be great to be able to type the fetch like this:...
I'm thinking that it would be nice to be able to assign default values for perhaps just some simple values (no object instantiations) using the fetch operator. So this real...
Has anyone been able to get this working with Webpack? I tried shimming it but I'm not sure what is going wrong. It was complaining about not being able to...
I took a crack at it here in my Webird `caddy` branch. I'm sure that its not optimized, tight and sexy yet. https://github.com/perchlayer/webird/blob/caddy/app/phalcon/common/views/simple/caddy/dev.volt Here is a response that I received...
If would be nice if \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt could accept a Compiler in the constructor. This would be helpful when using the CLI interface to precompile every Volt view. As it currently...
`lodash` is currently on version `4.2.1` but all of `ampersand-*` packages are using `3`. I think that a complete ampersand project wide upgrade should occur with perhaps a major version...