Dave Schinkel
Dave Schinkel
Is this project active? Half the examples are not even working in the Readme. I tried out [With Hash](https://codesandbox.io/s/y0zzrk1v1j) and [Container](https://codesandbox.io/s/3zznv27l5) and they don't even work.
Josh, I cloned this down. How are you getting access to localStorage? Is that from phantom? When I try that in my react project I get undefined so figure it's...
Need to be able to do something like this: `SELECT CURRVAL(pg_get_serial_sequence('companyProfile','profile_id'))`
Please have the CI remind me to add tests. Thank you.
I don't understand why this would even bomb out, I'm simply trying to import the `A` (link) component to my test. I'm not even exercising this yet in code, why...
is there a way to remove the `"item": {}` object wrapping each of my results from Fuse that's wrapping my results data? I just want the bare results of my...
**So what are we to do here Slack?** So you've changed your API disallowing the ability for third party integrators to make API requests to join slack. And now, we...
So I installed v0.0.3 and noticed someone added a `testSpec.js` (https://gist.github.com/dschinkel/293e86b3f65f7e4ddfd024980514ebcf) which had exactly what I'd like to do in my tests as a client of the lib. Difference is...
I've got a testHelpers file that contains the following amongst other things that I've stripped out for this issue just to simplify what I'm showing: **test.helpers** ``` import chai, {...
Is it possible to change the plain text color? Right now it's a vanilla color when using ayu-dark.sublime-theme