I would suggest the no-trusted non-custodial way of submarine swaps done by Lightning labs in loop: https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop While loop is driven by company, one of the developers has integrated it...
I really restarted termux. I even rebootet multiple times. I tried sourcing, still doesn't work. pstree output in tmux: ``` ?─┬─?───bash───tmux: client └─tmux: server─┬─4*[bash] └─bash───pstree ``` pstree output: ``` ?─┬─?───bash───pstree...
`termux-info`: Linux localhost 3.4.113 armv71 Android Device Model: SM-9005 `source $PREFIX/etc/profile.d/start-services.sh` gives nothing Now `sv-enable tor` gives: warning: tor: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist Still just `tor`...