David Sarrut
David Sarrut
Hi, yes the first one is probably simpler.
Visu *must* be after initialize - to put in docs - check bench and contrib to modify the visu line (to put after the init)
Hi, Sure that sparse matrices could be useful, but it is already possible to reduce the size of the dose actor by simple options. It is **not** necessary that the...
great thanks ! Indeed, I think we should try to set OPTICAL to ON by default. The only potential drawback is, that, in previous version, there were some warnings ......
Hello, does this benchmark: https://github.com/OpenGATE/GateBenchmarks/tree/master/t19_acollinearity replies to this issue ? You can see discussion here : https://github.com/OpenGATE/GateBenchmarks/pull/50
The example shows a macro with the back2back source that (if I understand correclty) should depicts these (slightly) non-collinear gammas. Can you try it to see if it fits your...
You're right sorry ... What's the solution in your opinion ? Remove the loop that delete all actor in GateActorManager::~GateActorManager() ?
ok, done 12dd4c4f4267d10cda6ee6bed70ac869c903b28e
Not clear how the cleaning is currently performed. I should investigate ... Maybe a shared_ptr approach could help, but will require lot of changes. Not time for this right now....
Hi @maxaehle, very interesting thanks ! As these findings could lead to a lot of changes, I suggest to start step by step, with one single change proposal, for example...