Darrell Sandstrom

Results 24 comments of Darrell Sandstrom

A co-worker let me know about GhostText for Sublime: https://github.com/Cacodaimon/GhostText-for-SublimeText https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ghosttext-for-firefox/ So it seems like it's possible. Is support planned?

Thanks for the reply. I was talking about a Firefox port, not a sublime port. On Wed, Feb 3, 2016, 5:38 PM Daniel Perez [email protected] wrote: > It is of...

It worked for me, not sure of the difference.

Here's a crash report, not sure if helpful: ``` Failure/Error: _query(sql, @query_options.merge(options)) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: : BEGIN # -e:1:in `' # ------------------ # --- Caused by: --- # Mysql2::Error: # -e:1:in...

Thanks for the report. I recommend disabling "Allow End Tag Sync" until this problem can be addressed.

Good idea. I need to add better instructions to the config section. Basically, you need to find the scope for the file you want included and then add it to...

> self-closing tags are impossible @arctelix Please elaborate. If you are finding that there are certain tags that you never want this package to operate on, add them to `ignoredTags`...

This bug is now hitting me in vim-mode. When I remove the line that has the closing tag on it, the opening tag's text gets removed. Furthermore, undo doesn't add...

This package is currently disabled for multiple cursors.