> Does this relate to #807? I don't think so because local mp3s play without problems.
Thanks for your help @MiczFlor ! > * do you have the same problems with other devices, like your phone, over wifi? No, my wifi runs smoothly. My phoniebox has...
I found something via `tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog` `Mar 1 13:35:21 raspberrypi mopidy[456]: WARNING [StreamBackend-5] mopidy.internal.http Download of 'http://br-br2-nord.cast.addradio.de/br/br2/nord/mp3/56/stream.mp3' failed due to download taking more than 4.995s Mar 1 13:35:21...
> And (probably unrelated): Your RFID Reader is not recognized: Thank you, I had not even realized that. Was an easy fix. I have the same problem on different wifis...
Uh, I might have just found the solution: I changed back the DNS in `sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf` from `` back into the IP of the router (in my case...
> The only thing which does not work is podcasts via spotify. I did some research on that. Apparantly it's a general problem of the Spotify architecture. [Link](https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy-spotify/issues/201) So far...
> So this issue could be closed for now? I guess so, as the issue is not on Phonieboxβ side.
I would like to reopen this thread because I did some research on podcasts: It seems like the time for a podcast to start playing heavily depends on the size...
Hi @MiczFlor , Thanks for your help. > 1. Could you take a look at the RSS file and see if there are any Umlaute Àüâ in the filenames? I...
I found this: `Mar 28 14:52:25 raspberrypi mopidy[468]: WARNING [StreamBackend-5] mopidy.internal.http Download of 'https://wdrmedien-a.akamaihd.net/medp/podcast/weltweit/fsk0/213/2131084/diemaus30_2020-03-24_kendoundkatzeninjapan_diemaus.mp3' failed due to download taking more than 4.995s ` It seems there is a time limit...