Hi, Enhancement suggestion : the "Home icon" should send you back to the default zoom of the map you're browsing. Not the homepage of the instance. Many users told me...
## What problem does this address? It's really easy to set custom visibility for some blocks and to forget about it. If you do so, you may deactivate the plugin...
Accordions title headings are invisible to : * the [Table of Content block](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/05/26/whats-new-in-gutenberg-13-3-0-may-25/#toc-block) * some accessibility tools that list headings ([this one](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/headingsmap/flbjommegcjonpdmenkdiocclhjacmbi) for instance) This leads to a misleading heading...
When you use the "Search a place" functionality and select a search result, the map zooms to the selected place (can be a street, a building, etc.). But the selected...