Daniel Russel
Daniel Russel
Use the hierarchy to find particles, but other than rigid bodies, don't translate.
Currently they compare the actual list, which can be expensive. Sorting on particleid and then using a hash would be reliable enough and much faster, I think.
Can implement it with algebra::Grid
That is, have IMP particles being RMF Nodes. This is a lot of work, and not clear it is worth it. But would be nice intellectually (as well as remove...
When in C++ code called from python, interrupt doesn't work. This is annoying, and really bad with Ipython.
- Support .cu files in src. - add IMP_HAS_CUDA macro. - add needed workaround files somewhere. They do not need to be installed, so can just be in the include...
That should make return vectors of ref counted things much faster. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/move/implementing_movable_classes.html
To move closer to allowing executables to be run without setup_environment.py as that doesn't play nicely with various ways you want to run things (eg xcode).