Hi @nalchevanidze, I tried the recommended solution and I ended up with a subscription that never receives any events. I agree with your argument that you don't want a centralized...
Here's the code with an unpatched morpheus that doesn't work. It connects to the websocket but never receives any events. ``` main :: IO () main = bracket initialize shutDown...
I tried your code with some modifications: ```haskell main :: IO () main = bracket initialize shutDown (quickHttpServe . site) initialize :: IO (AcidState State, ServerApp, BS.ByteString -> IO BS.ByteString)...
I think using a monad stack here is a matter of taste, it doesn't solve any of the two problems listed above. I'll see if I can create a small...
@nalchevanidze , it took me some time but I finally created a smallish test project for you to experiment with this issue: https://github.com/RobinKrom/morpheus-subscription-example. If you have `nix` and `direnv` you...
You could also have the energies as part of the BC's or PDE equations. I thought there might be a benefit to keeping them separate to be able to treat...
A trivial example that comes to mind is that I'd like to have them logged separately from the BC's. I consider the energy in a PDE problem a fairly different...