Tiago Félix

Results 2 issues of Tiago Félix

### Motivation We need to design the architecture of the event tracking for the GoodID MVP [New onboarding flow design](https://www.figma.com/file/ihw1PxBvLxacTHnN2aj4lC/3.-Product?type=design&node-id=13532-19695&mode=design&t=vMQja2ysnf7dHuTx-0) ### Property to use in different products Since these events...

### Motivation Right now I am saving the Face Verification events from https://goodid.gooddollar.org/  in a separate Google Analytics. https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/p415617260/reports/intelligenthome The goal of this is to put all FV events (...