Luis Rodil-Fernandez
Luis Rodil-Fernandez
Hi everyone, I'm trying to setup a container to run ssb-server on a raspberry pi. I am hitting the exact same problem described in this issue. To install I ran...
I kind of missed this thread. Goteo has a somewhat inconsistent way of handling languages. Your problem comes from the fact that the file /view/admin/index.html.php ``` php if (LANG !=...
@baskinsy The full gettext work is not yet in the master repo, it's still in my fork. Hopefully it will be integrated soon. Check in your Goteo install, do you...
Have you cleared your session cookies? Do you have 'ENG' in the language selector? What happens when you put "?lang=en" parameter in the browser's url? Could you please be more...
@baskinsy Great, thanks! Looking good. Let's check one more thing... Is your locale directory writeable by the webserver?
@baskinsy 777 is not necessary, 755 should be plenty. I think that your problem might be related to the locale. gettext is a nasty beast that needs some support from...
I am assuming that inside of the `locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES` directory you have both a .po and .mo file? If that's the case, well... there's nothing evidently wrong with your server, so...
Well in the process of debugging the gettext code I have learned a few things about how impossibly dumb the php gettext extension is. A summary of my findings can...
@baskinsy I have made a major rework of the gettext implementation. It no longer depends on the nasty php module and uses a php gettext parser that seems to work...
@baskinsy Cool! The untranslated texts you mention "Panel principal de administración". Well my work basically was to get rid of the hard-coded spanish strings in the admin panel and make...