
Results 9 issues of droidus

I am running MM on a rpi 4b. Here is the error message that I am experiencing: `[18.08.2022 06:00.12.338] [ERROR] Whoops! There was an uncaught exception... [18.08.2022 06:00.12.341] [ERROR] Error:...

I am getting this error when I run barnyard 2: `WARNING: Ignoring corrupt/truncated waldofile '/var/log/snort/barnyard2.waldo' Waiting for new spool file` I am running snort 3. I am running Barnyard Version...

### DESCRIPTION QKSMS crashes upon launching app Error log: ``` type: crash osVersion: google/panther/panther:14/UP1A.231005.007/2023103100:user/release-keys package: com.moez.QKSMS:2218 process: com.moez.QKSMS processUptime: 5372940 + 271 ms installer: com.android.packageinstaller java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already resumed at kotlin.coroutines.SafeContinuation.resumeWith(SafeContinuationJvm.kt:45)...

### DESCRIPTION When clicking the Back button in the app, it goes to another previously opened SMS conversation. And when clicking it again, and again, and again, it goes to...

I have snapdrop running. When I open the website on my laptop's browser, and in my phone, on neither of the devices are either device showing. They are on the...

Is it possible to use another port than the default in the Host field during setup? Example:

I am deploying with docker via the command line and the config file. Here is my line: `docker run --name watchyourlan \ -e "TZ=Etc/UTC" \ --network="host" \ -v /root/docker/WatchYourLan:/data \...

I am running the latest version of Nextcloud. I have OnlyOffice running on another internal IP server. I enter the IP of the machine, disable cert verification, and click on...


I’ve got several OS’s installed, and on my EndeavourOS box, I am running redshift. On my Ubuntu 24.04 machine, It looks like it uses a gnome built-in tool to do...