I was looking at using the library for a pet project and ran into the same issue. Running Windows 10 Version 10.0.19043 Build 19043 Here is my wmic output: ```...
I just set up a project using qt 5.15 and it worked fine. There were some issues around paths for QMake and the like but they can be worked around...
use qtdeploy. It will pre-download all the DLL's you need and put them and the application in a "deploy" folder.
> How large of files are we talking about? I don't have a precise file size in mind. I am most motivated to minimize the memory requirement for processing and...
Off the cuff, it looks like it would. I want to see the implementation details, but the documentation suggests it does what I hope. The only issue I see is...
Also on this note, I would be happy to help but I do not know alot about plugins. If the owner cannot fix this can they point me to how...