Jan Binder

Results 9 comments of Jan Binder

It is possible to fix this by using valueChanged instead of editingFiniahed, but that causes errors when entries are incomplete. For example, divorce would complain if you typed a "-"...

Hi guys, in my opinion, the error messages are not telling really what has happened and which causes the Segmentation Fault. I would say that their crash is just the...

Up to date backtrace: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault Thread 0x000016c4 (most recent call first): File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\qudi\lib\site-packages\PyDAQmx\DAQmxFunctions.py", line 25 in mafunction File "", line 2 in function File "C:\software\QuDi?\hardware\ni_card.py", line...

Proxies only make sense in a few cases: * user interaction that causes a large rate (> 30/s) of signals (sliders, mouse moved, etc) * as a workaround for buttons/actions...

Known issue ever since there is remote module functionality. Qt objects are not first-class citizens in Python and require workarounds. numpy objects have similar problems.

This is not quite true. In the tools directory there is a listmods.py tool which shows the available modules for including in config. However, this process should still be documented...

License compatibility: * Instrumental: GPLv3, no code use or sharing problems * InstrumentKit: AGPLv3, do not copy code from here under any circumstances, library use is fine, contributions must be...

From a quick glance, python-ivi looks like one could write a general wrapper for it and use the implemented instruments.