Marcin Nowak

Results 3 comments of Marcin Nowak

Password can be stored wrongly in web service testing applications like IntelliJ's HTTP Client, JMeter, Soap UI, Postman, etc. configuration files. It can be also caught during OWASP ZAP or...

Nexus deployment credentials in `settings.xml`

Hi @makozlo, For Google SSO variable `redirectUri` should looks like: ``` scope=https%3A// access_type=offline& include_granted_scopes=true& response_type=code& state=state_parameter_passthrough_value& redirect_uri=exp://[project-id]?channel-name=[channel-name]&runtime-version=[runtime-version], where[project-id]& client_id=client_id ``` and you need to register your `redirect_uri` in...