Dr Nic Williams

Results 74 comments of Dr Nic Williams

I think there is a quiet "unknown scroll" warning at the start; though you don't really see it as the rails generator fills up the console. Perhaps we could prompt...

What's the error message mean? Can we make it go away? It makes me sad.

Lol, my auto-complete started working after I ran `gocode -s -debug`.

Try including the gem like: config.gem 'capybara-envjs', :lib => 'capybara/envjs', :version => '>= 0.1.3'

So for ruby 1.9.2p180 + rails 3.0.7 it works fine for you? Pooey. :)

Thanks for updating the example. Including `sslmode=disable` for the connection might be useful for people playing on their laptop

I understand the business of "which kube APIs to support" isn't trivial -- GKE default kubernetes version is 1.14 for example.

As long as we keep synced folders. The https://github.com/mitchellh/boot2docker-vagrant-box project seemed to lose synced folders support when using boot2docker ISO due to lack of guest additions. I think the request...

If you remove `current_vm_cid` from your `state.json` then `bosh create-env` should go thru the motions of creating it again and moving on.

You revoke your token by creating a new token. It looks to only support one token at a time.